Go wide and think big this month, Scorpio! The Sun is traveling through the top of your chart and its most worldly, ambitious zones. While your sign is famous for going into the depths, this month you’ll want to emerge like a siren breaking the surface of the sea, arms outstretched to receive all that summer has to offer.
You’ll be especially buoyant (mermaid pun intended) while the Sun is in Cancer and your visionary, expansive ninth house through July 22. This is an ideal time for summer travel and adventures. After this date, the energy shifts to a more goal-oriented and professional focus.
On July 22, the Sun moves into Leo and your ambitious tenth house for a month, giving you extra stamina to pursue some of your lofty career plans. However, that same day also begins a six-week Venus retrograde cycle, a challenging period that happens every 18 months. The planet of love and attraction will backspin through Leo, which could disrupt the harmony with clients and coworkers or disrupt big relationship plans. Fear not, Scorpio: Your #couplegoals may not be derailed, but they might be delayed until Venus turns direct September 3.
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On a positive note, a lot of the karmic work you’ve been doing around your personal identity AND your approach to partnership could pay off mid-month. Since January 2022, the lunar nodes have been thundering across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, touching down in your first house of self and your seventh house of partnerships. This cycle only happens every 18.5 years. Hosting the south node in your sign can feel like a “dark night of the soul” at times, so if you’ve felt isolated or invisible in any way, prepare to emerge from the depths (that mermaid metaphor keeps working for you now, Scorpio!).
On July 17, the lunar nodes move on to the Aries/Libra axis, where they’ll revolutionize your approach to health, healing, spirituality and service until January 11, 2025. Prepare to learn the art of delegating and to have a few moments when you discover that surrender, rather than control, is actually the better path to take. With healer-feeler Chiron turning retrograde on July 23 in Aries, you could find a new plan for eating, movement and taking care of your body-mind-soul wellbeing that (finally!) leaves you feeling totally nourished.
Go wide and think big this month, Scorpio! The Sun is traveling through the top of your chart and its most worldly, ambitious zones. While your sign is famous for going into the depths, this month you’ll want to emerge like a siren breaking the surface of the sea, arms outstretched to receive all that summer has to offer.
You’ll be especially buoyant (mermaid pun intended) while the Sun is in Cancer and your visionary, expansive ninth house through July 22.
It’s Cancer season until July 22
Expand your reach, Scorpio! The Sun is in Cancer, heating up your worldly and wisdom-seeking ninth house until July 22, and it’s urging you to cast a wider net. Come out from Scorpio tunnel-vision mode and look around: Some off-the-beaten-path opportunities await you. Have you been obsessing over a goal but not making progress? Step back and look at the big picture and let your visionary ideas out to play. This month is your cosmic invitation to indulge in blue-sky thinking, setting aside concerns about what’s “practical” and “logical.” That doesn’t matter now because the point of this cycle is to dream—and to dream big.
The ninth house rules travel, publishing, entrepreneurship and higher education. Any one of these areas could come calling while el Sol is in your global ninth house. A summer workshop could spark fresh curiosity or send you exploring a brand-new path. Feel like you’re the only person who hasn’t taken a trip to Portugal yet? A ticket to Lisbon could have your name on it. At the very least, you could start putting a small weekly amount into a special savings account for that bucket-list trip to…wherever!
The Capricorn full moon is on July 3
The July Fourth holiday is looking especially fun for you this year, Scorpio—and you might even start your festivities a night early. On July 3, the Capricorn full moon beams into your third house of communication and community. A collaboration could come together, or you could meet a kindred spirit whose skills complement yours. Maybe you’ll team up on a project or bounce around a few ideas, making them even stronger by thinking together.
Even better? This year, the Capricorn full moon is at a jubilant angle to lucky Jupiter, making your duos extra dynamic. Jupiter is in your partnership house, and paired with la luna, friends could become lovers, business partners and collaborators. (Maybe all three!)
With global Jupiter sending a beam to the moon, you could get a message or call that changes the course of events, or a possibly long-awaited answer. Synergy can spark with someone far away, and there’s no reason to let the geographic distance stop you from exploring a promising idea with them. Perhaps one of your creative concepts gets green-lit or a message you post goes viral. You never know until you put yourself out there, so share what you’re up to with the people you meet!
The north node enters Aries on July 17
You’re a spiritual being having a human experience, Scorpio—and that means you live in a body. As such, you have to care about your physical existence instead of only relying on your natural bounty of energy and good luck. The second half of the month brings your chance: From July 17, 2023, until January 11, 2025, the lunar nodes will move to the Aries/Libra axis, activating your zones of self-care (ruled by Aries) and spirituality (governed by Libra).
With the purpose-driven north node in Aries, you can expect new opportunities for simplifying and systematizing your life. Maybe that means delegating and outsourcing work to a capable specialist so you have time to make healthy meals and get in some manner of workout every day.
Meantime, the karmic south node has FINALLY exited Scorpio, where it’s been pushing you into deeper realms of shadow work and transformation since January 2021. The past 18 months left you battle-tested and possibly with a fully revamped sense of your passions, priorities and boundaries. Look back: You may not feel like the same person you were, or you may sense that you’re operating on a completely different internal frequency. Even if your life looks similar on the outside, it’s as if you’ve updated your whole operating system.
With the south node now in Libra and your twelfth house of closure, retreat and hidden influences, you may do some deep work on mental wellness matters, whether you tackle an addiction or break through a lifelong pattern of excessive caretaking that’s attracted unhealthy people. Your spiritual gifts and psychic powers could sharpen.
The north node only visits Aries every 18.5 years; it was last here from December 27, 2004, to June 22, 2006. If you can remember back to that time, you may see repeating themes arise again. While the Aries north node DOES demand that you focus on the nuts and bolts of daily life, the Libra south node will help you shed lingering baggage and become a clear channel for manifesting opportunities that are in tune with your soul’s new vibration.
The July 17 Cancer new moon opens new doors
No summer travel plans yet? No matter! That might all change on July 17 as the Cancer new moon ignites your independent and global ninth house. You could plant the seeds for a startup venture, plan a major journey or enroll in a course of study. Keep your mind wide open today because some rather fascinating influences could pop up in your world. Under these metaphysical moonbeams, you might come across a book, a film or a fresh perspective that shifts your outlook on life. If you have a message to spread or something special to teach, this new moon invites you to build a platform—whether virtual or IRL—to share your unique ideas with the wider world.
However it manifests, the Cancer new moon brings a surge of visionary vibes, helping you see the big picture and get psyched about your mission. Map out some bold steps you could take between now and December 26, when the corresponding Cancer full moon brings this cycle to its culmination. Want to launch a business? Take a bike tour across a couple U.S. states? Explore the powers of plant medicine? Dream as big as you want, then follow up with action. Sometimes a leap of faith is all you need to create a brilliant new perspective on life.
Whiplash! The July 20 Mars-Saturn opposition
Downshift, Scorpio. Restless Mars in your future-focused eleventh house has been amping your thirst for adventure since July 10. However, stodgy Saturn will jump in to play air traffic controller this July 20, redirecting your fantastic plans back to the landing strip. A trip could get delayed, or a big project might suddenly stall.
While you may get a fierce case of FOMO, consider this temporary hold-up a blessing in disguise.When impatient Mars and cautious Saturn are opposite each other, it’s like having one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. To avoid a case of cosmic whiplash, see this as a hidden blessing. Maybe you’ve been a little too good at saying “yes” to, well, everything, and you’ve worn yourself thin. Use the downtime to evaluate where (and with whom) you share your glittering energy. Avoid people who demand exhausting levels of attention or zap you with their negativity. Be careful not to dominate group discussions either!
The Sun enters Leo July 22—and Venus turns retrograde in Leo
Time to turn those blue-sky visions into something tangible? On July 22, the Sun moves into Leo for a month, spotlighting your tenth house of career and ambition. Now you can take those grand ideas and start crafting them into a master plan. You’ve thrown the metaphorical spaghetti at the wall—now see what’s sticking and get busy turning that into something tangible. Your work life could also get busy for the next four weeks, so hopefully you’ve taken that summer vacation, or at least have it planned for late August. Now is the time to make your mark professionally.
But choose your moves carefully, Scorpio. On July 22, right as Leo season begins, peacekeeper Venus will turn retrograde (backward) in Leo, disrupting the status quo until September 3. Venus turns retrograde for six weeks every 18 months, throwing a wrench into love, friendship and relationships of all types. During Venus retrograde, our normal stores of compassion and charitable energy dry up, and we have trouble seeing eye-to-eye with certain people.
Venus retrograde in your career zone could stir up discontent with co-workers, bosses and clients. You may struggle to find a mutually satisfying long-term plan with someone close to you. Forget about pleasing everybody—it might feel like you can’t please ANYbody! Hold off on big talks about the future until after Labor Day, whether that’s next steps in your romantic journey or where things are headed in your career.
Since retrogrades rule the past, you might reconnect with a past partner or hear news that a serious ex has moved on. Former colleagues could connect you to an opportunity, so be open to anyone from your professional history who resurfaces this summer.
Chiron turns retrograde July 23
It’s good to feel in control of your life—up to a point. But if you’ve been fixating or trying to manipulate an outcome, that stress could take a toll. On July 23, the stars help you shift gears as “wounded healer” comet Chiron begins a five-month retrograde through your sixth house of duty, self-care and fitness. If your work or wellness (or lack thereof) feel off-kilter on any level, you can come back into balance between now and December 6. Your sign veers toward obsession, and this transit can bring more self-awareness and healthy self-control. Where are you micromanaging or acting out of fear rather than love? That’s the place to begin. You might want to work with a therapist or a spiritual teacher now to make the most of this growth opportunity.
Are you struggling to delegate and trust others to do things up to your sky-high standards? Letting go is hard, but taking on too much is even tougher (especially on you!). With Chiron’s healing balm in your sixth house of helpful people, reflect on how you could build Team Scorpio into an empowered and capable crew that performs at the level you want.
The romantic big picture is on your mind as the month begins. Love planet Venus is in Leo, your tenth house of future plans and long-term commitments, until October 8, and Mars is wrapping a seven-week visit to Leo this July 10. This sector of the chart also governs career, so things could heat up with a co-worker or someone you meet through professional channels. Paired-up Scorpios could have a few “It Couple” moments as you dress up and cut an envy-inducing figure with your S.O.
On July 10, passionate Mars begins strutting through Virgo, heating up your eleventh house of friendship and technology until August 27. This is a great time for single Scorpios to stretch socially because you could meet a potential partner among your own friend circle. While some will be open to crossing that platonic borderline, others won’t be willing to risk mucking up an important tie. But dating friends of friends is a whole different story! You could ask your people to introduce you to anyone that could be a worthy match—or just mingle more, especially at work events. The eleventh house rules technology, so online dating might turn up some winners. But you know what they say: You can’t win if you don’t play!
But before you wear out the pad of your index finger with obsessive swiping, take note: Venus will turn retrograde (backward) from July 22 to September 3. This six-week cycle occurs every 18 months and can turn all matters of the heart topsy-turvy. Astrologers typically advise against getting married during Venus retrograde—but if you planned a summer wedding, don’t freak out. Just renew your vows a year later as a cosmic insurance plan (and no, you don’t have to put that on the invitations). This can also be a time to take a step back, possibly separating for a spell to clear your heads or doing dedicated work to improve the relationship trouble spots. Single Scorpios might want to take a short dating sabbatical.
Heavy on your mind? Where a certain relationship is headed. Do you want the same things for the long run? Is this person as “in” as you are? A commitment could be up for questioning or in need of some extra strengthening. One thing is for sure: You’ll settle for nothing less than the real deal, and you’ll become painfully aware when something is NOT that!
Dream big, Scorpio! Not only is the Sun in Cancer and your visionary ninth house until July 22, but there’s a new moon in Cancer on July 17, sparking an urge to learn, grow and take a risk. An indie business idea could scale into a full-on venture over the next six months if you take some (calculated) leaps of faith now. Need to enhance your skills and qualifications? Sign up for a course to get certified in your field or to take an online marketing workshop that will teach you how to stand out from competitors. A long-distance connection could widen the scope of your audience, so think globally!
The first week and a half of the month is especially ambitious, July fourth holiday or not. Go-getter Mars is wrapping up a seven-week trip through Leo and your career sector, which only happens every two years. Radar in on your top priorities and get as far along as you can on them by July 10. After that, Mars moves into Virgo and your collaborative eleventh house until August 27. Rally the troops and get it done as a team!
The Sun moves into Leo for a month on July 22, further activating your professional tenth house. But with harmonizer Venus turning retrograde in Leo from July 22 to September 3, you’ll need to be extra careful with your work relationships and office etiquette. Tread lightly with your connections and don’t force anything. Don’t skip over the pleasantries with your colleagues either. You may need to do a little extra “fluffing” of these bonds now.
Love Days: 10, 14
Money Days: 21, 3
Luck Days: 18, 1
Off Days: 12, 16, 26
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit